Australian 4WD Council Survey Results

Highlighting the safety aspects of fitting a Bullbar

A few years ago the Australian 4WD Industry Council held a driver survey aimed at gathering data relating to motorists’ experiences with bullbars and animal strikes. A total of 42,624 responses were received and the resulting data made compelling reading clearly showing the reducting vehicle damage and improved passenger safety from the perspective of the actual drivers.

We included some interesting survey highlights here, the full report can be viewed here.

Did the bullbar prevent significant vehicle damage?

The extent of vehicle damage prevented with a bullbar.

The graph below demonstrates the level of vehicle damage sustained following the most severe animal strike for bullbar and non-bullbar equipped vehicles. In the case of minor damage recorded on bull bar equipped vehicles, this damage refers to the level of bull bar damage, with little or no vehicle damage incurred.

Did the bullbar prevent passenger injury?

This graph demonstrates the level of occupant injury sustained following the most severe animal strike over the past five years for bullbar and non-bullbar equipped vehicles.

Irvin Bullbars Perth Info Pack

Download Our Bullbar Information Pack

This 20-page information pack is packed with information about different bulbar options, tips on how to care for your bulbar and also steps on what do to in the event of hitting an animal.

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