A bullbar is arguably a defining aspect of your 4×4. A 4×4 just doesn’t look right without one. Bull bars are great to look at and they also provide your car with incredible protection that’s second to none. When you think about our rugged, Aussie landscape and our huge expanse of rural and semi-rural roads, […]
Category: Nudge Bar
Add a Bulbar to Your New Car Loan for Less Than 3 Coffees a Week!
Arguably nothing makes your vehicle look the part more than adding a bullbar. Not only does a bull bar add aesthetic appeal but it has a very important purpose too. Bars protect you, your passenger and your vehicle in the event of a head-on collision or animal strike. When you’re thinking about buying a bar […]
Drive With Confidence With an Irvin Bullbar
When it comes to modifying a 4WD, many drivers tend to think of a bull bar as being the perfect accessory to give their vehicle that certain rugged edge. A bullbar looks great on a 4WD but it performs a very serious job that is much more than basic aesthetics. A bullbar, roobar or nudge […]
With Irvin Bullbars Extras Come as Standard
A bull bar is crucial for any 4WD owner to protect the front of the vehicle from any collisions or animal strikes that could potentially damage the engine and its components. There are various places that sell bullbars, roobars and nudge bars but how do you choose which company to use? Well, Irvin Bullbars has […]
Giving Back
At Irvin Bullbars we believe in empowering people throughout the world to help themselves. Our ethos is all about giving back both to our local and wider communities and to people overseas too. We are proud supporters of the B1G1 ‘Business Giving’ initiative. Along with our customers, we support many vehicle-based and educational charitable causes […]
Specialists in Alloy
If you need a new bullbar for your vehicle, come to the alloy bullbar Perth experts, Irvin Bullbars. We know all there is to about vehicle safety. We are experts in the design and manufacture of alloy nudge bars, truck bars and roobars. The correct alloy offers superior strength, from the high-density extruded channel to […]
Reasons Why You Need a Bullbar?
Reasons Why You Need a Bullbar? A bull bar is a tough, rugged-looking piece of kit. However, not only does a bulbar make your vehicle look the part, but it serves a range of essential purposes too. A bullbar is the best form of protection you can have against animal strikes when you’re driving in […]
Key Qualities to Look Out For in a Great Four-Wheel Drive
Key Qualities to Look Out For in a Great Four-Wheel Drive Bull Bar Underbody Guard An underbody guard is crucial to protect your vehicle when you’re travelling on stony, rocky and bumpy roads. You can also fit a sump, front and transmission guard for extra protection. Split Pan Air System The best bullbar for Prado […]
Why Do Perth Drivers Need a Bullbar?
Why Do Perth Drivers Need a Bullbar? It’s true that a bullbar adds a certain sense of toughness and rugged style to a vehicle. If you are driving in Perth though, a bullbar is not considered as an accessory but as a necessity. According to extensive research undertaken by the 4WD Industry Council, bullbars Perth-wide […]
Bullbar vs Nudge Bar vs Roo Bar
Bullbar vs Nudge Bar vs Roo Bar If you’re new to the world of bullbars, it can be confusing when you’re trying to pick the one that’s best for you and your lifestyle. Perhaps you live a city lifestyle and you don’t need the robust protection of a full-on bullbar?. Alternatively, you might be a […]